Friday, February 27, 2009

My sister

This is my sister Julie.  She is my big sister.  I love her more than anyone or anything.  Here she is inside the Thorpedo Restaurant in Thorp, Wisconsin.


  1. I was wondering what contributes to such fondness and caring between sisters... what it is in their youthful lives that is able to bear the weight of history and even build upon it?

  2. Hi AMP, hope all is well in your world. Heard its been rainy there- how lovely!

    I know that its something about that family tie- we had no control over it, we had to remain inside that situation and be kids and grow up inside that situation- she was my only witness and I, hers...I could never share that history with anyone else. She is a library of information for me- especially because she is older than I and was more aware of what was going on than I was.

    Here is an example: she recalls that I never cried much or had any kind of tantrums. There is a large family photograph of my entire fathers family at a Golden wedding anniversary of my grandparents (50 years of marriage) and I am on the end with a very twisted up tight little face because someone had put their chair on my foot but I did not say a word about it. I was maybe 5 or 6 years old. I then tell her that by the time I was 18, I had not cried in many years and ended up going into therapy for one reason or another and my therapist was really concerned that I did not cry or express my feelings. So, my therapist taught me how to cry at like 19 and now I cry. But it was a pivotal point and I am grateful for my sister's insight.

  3. Today was a beautiful water day. The first in a long time. I went swimming with a friend on the Gold Coast, where you and I went. At one point I realized we were quite far out but were in the midst of the most vivid turquoise blue...
    Your description of this interaction with sister is how I imagine it's suppose to be. I am happy for you and thank you for such a clear example.
