Friday, March 27, 2009

White Floppy Flower Tree

(I think its a STAR MAGNOLIA)
I saw this on my way to work this AM.
These flowering trees are tremendous and they are everywhere.  The scent of the flowers is wonderful.  I recall them being called tulip trees but I wonder if they are something else here, or if I am mistaken- they are all over the place and I really love them but partially its because I have a real thing for white flowers.  They are very large sultry, droopy flowers, lazy, floppy flowers as in totally NOT PERKY! 

Monday, March 23, 2009

Pixie's Farm

I went to Pixie's farm yesterday and it was the best thing I have done in a very long time.  Her 80 acres are so lovely and it was such a great afternoon on so many levels.  We spoke of so many things with all the different people there of all ages.  Finally, I may have found a place/some people that feel good, here in Ohio.  Open, not closed.  Kind and not afraid. Some of the things we talked about had to do with creativity and education and some of the talks (thanks AMP!).

Friday, March 20, 2009

Incremental = Gentle

Slow is good.
I keep telling myself this.


Here is what a class looks like- this was our remix/mashup video class for both teens and teachers (we encouraged "teams") which was run by two artist educators from Chicago.  One was by the name of Xavi Macias and he was only 17 and a great teacher!! It was wonderful to work with them and I learned a lot myself. Media literacy is so important, especially for teens so that they can "talk back" to all the media that gets jammed down their throats from the second they were born.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I got it back from Baer Wheels on High Street on Saturday.  It needed a little work.  The man who worked on it said it got so many compliments while it was there.  Its a great classic.  Someone told me that it was the bike that was very enthusiastically exported by Schwinn to Asia and EU back in the 60's.  I love this bike.  I ride along the Olentangy River every day if I can, all the way down to the OSU dorms where it smells like lousy burnt frozen pizza.  Then back and a ways down the other way and then back, maybe 5 miles.  Its a heavy slow old bike that has a funny bump when you ride it.  It squeaks like people having great sex on an old box spring.  It has a wonderful metal basket on the front and metal saddlebags on the back.  I am so glad I have this bike!

Spring comes to a cold and dark place

Its incredible to go through the cycle again after not going through it living in Hawaii for awhile.  Its really extremely dramatic and traumatic, at least it was for me.  Now its suddenly March and here in central Ohio, it was 78.  I love how soft the earth has become, it smells so good, the trees are budding and the gentle air is intoxicating after the dormancy.  I have to admit to hating it here but now I am also softening in ways I never imagined I would.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Last night was girls night...

I love blurry images because movement is essential to what I (we) am/(are).  To freeze something is to keep something which cannot be kept, really.  Yet, I love photographs, the ones that really provide the real essence of the moment, especially the laughter.